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This is for more advanced use case where you want your own way of formatting for the output files or if you use wings for languages that is not currently supported. Check out the examples/input/template folder for an example of how it works for currently supported languages (start from the json files).

* indicates required field. Non-required fields will have its default value specified.

comment*: str

Language line prefix for comments (eg. // in TypeScript or # in Python).

filename*: Case

The Case / format in which the output filename should be in.

filetype*: str

This is used for deduplication of language template files and also to be appended to the generated filename ending as filetype.

implementFormat: str

default: "{#IMPLEMENT}"

The string in which is used in the specific language to declare that the current class extends or implements an existing different class.

importPath*: obj

format: str

default: "{#IMPORT}"

The format in which import path are written in.

separator: str

default: '/'

The way files / folders are joined. Some programming languages uses '.' in import path instead of '/'.

pathType*: "never" || "absolute" || "relative"

This is to define how the import path should be written for the imported files.

prefix: str

default: ""

Prefix for import path. Will be overwritten by the prefix value in the project config if already defined there.

level*: int

The level of folder the import should run and stop at. 0 is the lowest possible number which refers to the file itself, 1 refers to the folder the file is in and so on.

*Note: Only required when pathType is not set to "never"

indentation: obj

spacing: str

default: ""

Define the "tab" width. This WOULD NOT replace the existing tabbing in your template files but rather is used to properly indent functions declared in the wings file.

preIndent: bool

default: false

This is to define if the imported functions should be indented in the output file.

parseFormat: str

default: ""

General fallback option for the more specific targetParse below if that's not defined.

templates*: obj

struct*: str

Filepath to the struct template file.

enum*: str

Filepath to the enum template file.

types*: obj[]

wingsType*: str

Type to be parsed from wings file.

targetType*: str

Generated type for output language.

targetInit: str

default: ""

Initialization for target output type.

requiredImport: str

default: ""

Specific import that is needed to be added when this type is in use.